The LifeFM is honored to bring WLFW 92.7 FM to the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA). The LifeFM’s Dove Award-winning format features the best mix of the greatest music in the world – Southern Gospel. Now, more than ever, we believe the world needs what The LifeFM has to offer – positive, uplifting, and encouraging music sharing the Good News!

It is our hope that you will be blessed through the music and ministry that flows from the airwaves of 92.7 FM. Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Turn up the radio… and let’s live life together – even in the hardest times!

Find out what’s happening in the local area and submit your own church or non-profit event for promotion.

Fellowship of Truth Baptist Church Presents Revival 2024


  • This Month Song Title Artist/Label 1 Big Tent Revival Freemans/Goldenvine Production 2 Everything Good Zane & Donna King/StowTown 3 Water Grave Caleb Howard/Mansion 4 On My Knees Delnora Acoff & Bruce Hendrick/Independent 5 Man On The Middle Cross Scotty Inman/Daywind/New Day 6 One For You Shellem Cline/Red Country 7 Jeans & Jesus The Sound/New Day… […]
  • 1. When It’s Gone For Good Gold City/New Haven/Provident-Sony 2. Grateful For The Gospel Brian Free & Assurance/Daywind 3. You’ll Find Him There Ernie Haase & Signature Sound/StowTown 4. Things We Cannot Change LeFevre Qt/Daywind 5. Glory Up Ahead Hoppers/Gaither Music/Capital Christian 6. Graveyard Anthem Edition/Crossroads 7. Praise The Lord Collingsworth Family/StowTown 8. More Than… […]
  • Serving God in a Noisy Industry Stephanie Kramer for SGNScoops.com “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclaim his salvation day after day.” Psalm 96:1-2 I see you there, dear musician friend. Wrestling with the quiet ache of empty calendars and… […]
  • NASHVILLE, TN – Thoroughbred Records, a division of Daywind Music Group, proudly announces the signing of The Chuck Wagon Gang, who for nearly 90 years has influenced Gospel music with an instantly identifiable sound that seamlessly blends Southern, Country, and Bluegrass Gospel and has captivated generations throughout their incredible history. With this partnership, they will… […]
  • Nashville, TN – As the new year kicks off, StowTown Records has announced the release of a brand-new recording from musically gifted family, The Kramers. Soli Deo Gloria, translated “To the glory of God alone,” features a collection of 13 songs that offer honor and praise to the Creator of the universe. Soli Deo Gloria… […]

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The LifeFM Stream is sponsored by Jeff’s Sewing and Vacuum 3833 Washington Road in Augusta